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发布时间:2021-04-14       点击数:1097


Businesses across the world are concerned about the climate of uncertainty that has clouded the outlook for global trade. Brexit is a big deal. But the U.S.-China trade conflict is a seismic event. Massive tariffs are being levied, markets are being closed, and the dialogue has not made any observable progress.


Most companies have a significant portion of their supply chain in China, either directly or through their suppliers. And almost all global companies view China and the U.S. as prime markets. The stakes are high. Companies are unsure of how the U.S.-China trade conflict will affect their sales and profit goals in China and the U.S. over the next three years. One outcome is likely: Consumers will pay higher prices.



Supply chain leaders are struggling to respond to this maelstrom of events. Many global companies are doing what they always do: redraw the geographic lines of their supply chains. According to a recent survey the Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) conducted with over 200 leaders of global supply chains, 57% indicated that their companies are in the process of opening new locations for their supply chain outside of China.


Changing suppliers or moving plants is only a piece of the puzzle. A prerequisite for success in this trade-challenged environment is a Digital Supply Chain that takes a “nomadic sourcing" approach. Customer focused supply chains, automated processes, new manufacturing technology, strong AI-supported algorithms, and talented people will allow companies to change their sourcing locations more easily.


Here are five things that every company should do to thrive in an environment rife with trade disagreements, tariffs, closed markets, and all the associated business problems:


Accept that trade issues will continue to impact the globe.


Implement a Digital Supply Chain that requires a “Frontside Flip” from current processes to focus on customers. In other words, make sure that you make customers happy and deliver what they want when they want it.


Adopt a plan for “nomadic sourcing.” Be agile enough to shift production as political and economic measures take effect.Nomadic sourcing means that you are willing and able to shift production to the lowest cost or highest value geographies.


Decide how you will handle any short-term cost increases driven by tariffs or other issues. Will you pass them on to the customer?


Determine how your Digital Supply Chain will become the very best for your customers. Make sure that you have the right complement of skilled people (especially people who make decisions based on data/analytics and analysis). I have not yet met a company that has all the right people, and all the right training. 

科学把握中美贸易实质, 沉着应对贸易摩擦

在复杂多变的因素中科学认识中美贸易摩擦的物质基础, 即科学技术, 双方应沉着应对冷静克制。在贸易战面前, 国内媒体和民众会带有民族主义和极端主义倾向, 在这种情况下做出的判断是不冷静不克制的。把问题放在历史背景中参考我们能看出, 美国一直把科学技术进步放在国家战略位置上, 中美贸易战具有复杂性、结构性和长期性。所以解决摩擦并不是采取对抗性贸易保护措施或者解决贸易逆差问题就能解决的事情, 而是在科学技术和人才战略上占优势才能具备应对施压和抵抗霸权的能力。


加快科技创新, 争取新技术领域的话语权

鼓励企业自主创新、推动中国新旧动能的转换, 不断提高国家经济和科技硬实力, 促进经济的高质量发展。我国在全球价值链上的利润分配处于劣势, 所以要推进产业转型升级, 产品生产向全球价值链的高端迈进, 拥有更多的核心技术、关键材料和零件的上游企业。因此我们必须实现互联网、大数据、人工智能、现代制造业的深度融合, 推动中国经济高质量发展。



在人口红利结束后, 大国优势是中国最大的优势。现代高端制造业是一种集产业集群、基础设施、物流、人才、科研基地、政策、原材料市场为一体的一种生态体系。假设国内企业把制造业和工厂转移到劳动力更廉价的东南亚或非洲国家, 但这些国家除了廉价的劳动力很难提供一个生态体系。中国具备物流条件、本土制造商能够持续提供零部件、拥有科研和人才培养基地、有强大的产品市场, 同时满足这些条件除了中国以外的任何国家都难以达到的, 这是中国的大国优势新兴智能制造是这种生态体系运作的核心, 控制着整个生态体系各环节, 在地理上分散空间上并存。所以为了充分发挥大国优势, 要加快发展新兴技术和工业制造业深度结合, 才能在智能制造为核心的最新工业革命进程中争取主动权。



在中美贸易争端中, 知识产权保护是最主要的工具, 如果作为发展中国家在知识产权立法和执行方面不如发达国家或者技术产品出口国健全, 那么这些国家就不愿向发展中国家出售先进技术, 也会影响科研人员的积极性和创新我国是发展中国家, 知识产权保护相关制度出台较晚, 在立法细则和法律执行力方面与发达国家存在一定差距, 需要在长期实践中不断修正并完善。我们要做的是在中美贸易谈判中争取主动权, 做到有理可寻有据可查, 积极参与多边公约, 使我国的知识产权保护体系上升到国际水准, 在中美双边谈判中不至于处于被动。

作者:艳红    来源期刊:《现代管理科学》 2019年06期